Maria Josephy

Prometheus, 1980
Mixed Media including Hardware, 36" x 79"

Maria Josephy was born in 1933 in New York City, New York.  She studied painting and printmaking at Sarah Lawrence College, and received her B.A. in 1954.  In 1957, she began working as a free-lance graphic designer in Chicago and Washington, D.C.  Josephy began making collages and assemblages in 1962.  She participated in shows in New York, Chicago, Illinois, and Washington, D.C., and had a solo exhibit at the Hampton Institute College Museum in Hampton, Virginia, in 1989.  Josephy’s whimsical narratives often drew on classical themes and were marked by an uncanny sense of invention and detail. Maria Jospehy died on October 9, 2014.


*Excerpted from Tools as Art: the Hechinger Collection, published by Harry N. Abrams Inc. Edited to reflect the artist’s passing

Steven Jones

Nesting, 1992
Tempera and Oil on Panel, 24" x 32"

Steven Jones was born in 1952 in San Francisco. He received his B.A. in fine art in 1974 and his M.F.A. in 1981 from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His work has been exhibited at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, Illinois, and the Galerie Jean-Pierre Lavigne, Paris. He has been a painting instructor at Southern Illinois University and at Lake Forest College, Illinois. His still-life paintings draw on the tradition of seventeenth-century Dutch painting, going beyond mere accumulations of objects to function as social commentaries.

*Excerpted from Tools as Art: The Hechinger Collection, published by Harry N. Abrams Inc.

Chuck Johnson

Red Still Life, 1989
Oil on Canvas, 54" x 62"

Charles Johnson was born on January 23, 1939, in Baltimore, Maryland, and has lived there ever since.  As a child, Johnson taught himself to draw and then later, to paint.  An indefatigable artist, he has continued to paint, working in the evenings after spending his days repairing, painting and staining walls for a living.  His artwork almost exclusively utilizes oil paint, although the finished pictures in their framing incorporate other textures and media like linoleum.  Johnson’s works have recently been exhibited in Baltimore at Coppin State College, at the Arena Theater, at Lutheran Hospital and the exhibition space at Coffee and Books.

Ben Jakober

Anomalous Fossil No. 2, 1986
Stone, 20 1/4" x 13 1/8" x 2 1/2"

Ben Jakober was born in Vienna, Austria on July 39, 1930. He studied at Mill Hill School in England from 1942 to 1948. In 1968, he moved to Mallorca and began his career as an artist. He is also one founder of the Fundación Yannick y Ben Jakober, an organization created to conserve and restore Spanish heritage and to further the fine arts. Jakober is a sculptor and has had exhibitions in Paris, Madrid, Budapest and Palma.